About Us

About Us

We are Leading Education Institution since 1976

 Virudhunagar T.S.M Manickam Nadar Janaki Ammal Higher Secondary School  is situated almost in the heart of the city, near MariammanTeppakulam, on the New Ramnad Road, on a sprawling 5 acre campus in a serene atmosphere.

VMJ School - Madurai


Maduraiyil Virudhunagar Hindu Nadar Uravinmurai is a century old charitable trust synonymous with service to humanity.  This Trust was formed by the business people originating from Virudhunagar, who had settled down in Madurai to do business. Seventy years ago their mission of service to humanity through education began with the establishment of Virudhunagar Hindu Nadar School (1949). Today their missionary zeal has yielded four major educational institutions in Madurai. Virudhunagar Hindu Nadar Boy’s Higher Secondary School (1961), Virudhunagar Hindu Nadar Girl’s Higher Secondary School (1994), Virudhunagar T.S.M Manickam NadarJanaki Ammal Higher Secondary School (1976) and Idhayam Rajendran School (1999). These institutions not only produce outstanding results, but also excellent students.


At the time when V.M.J.School was started, if anyone wanted to give the best education to their children, they had to send them to hill stations like Ooty or Yercaud, which only the affluent could afford. The Trust decided to start a school on par with those schools in the hill stations at an affordable cost. It was the seed sown in 1976 that has now grown into a full- fledged tree bearing fragrant flowers and nutritious fruits. The school was named in honour of ThiruT.S.M Manickam Nadar-Thirumathi Janaki Ammal, who donated their properties for the welfare of the school.

 We are one of the pioneers to take up the ICSE syllabus. We began with 27 students at the primary level in 1976. The School grew to secondary level and was further upgraded to Higher Secondary status in June 1996. In 2013, we introduced the ISC Stream also at the Higher Level keeping in focus the demands and the challenges of the new generation. Now the school has strength of about 840 students.


The Administrative responsibility of the school is vested with the board of members elected by the Maduraiyil Virudhunagar Hindu Nadar Uravinmurai Trust. 64 members are elected from the Uravinmurai to form a board to govern the activities of the school for two years. Among the Board members 5 members are elected as honourary office bearers: President, Vice- President, Secretary, Joint Secretary and Treasurer to administrate the School for 2 years. The secretary is in charge of the school administration. He is ably guided by his team of office bearers consisting of the President, Vice President, Joint Secretary and Treasurer.


To mentor and facilitate the children to self actualize and bring cut their full potential as individuals, to bring out their dormant skills, to choose the career of their passion to be an honourable unbiased leaders with concern and love for their family, society and the world. Teaching less and making them learn more to become natural achievers with leadership skills to make the world a better place to live in.


To nurture the children to become exemplary world citizens who having realized their full potential, hone their innate skills to lead and contribute to the society at large and make this world peaceful, happy and pollution free place to live in.


Each class in the school has three sections with a maximum strength of only twenty students in each section. The teacher, student ratio is maintained at 1: 10. The idea behind this is to ensure individual attention to every child.